Archives for July, 2015

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Issues Paper First Step To Stronger Training System

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert has today welcomed the release of the independent VET Funding Review’s Issues Paper – the first step in developing a new funding model to keep TAFEs financially secure. The VET Funding Review was an election commitment by the..

Labor Government Helping Retrenched Workers

500 retrenched workers will have an unprecedented opportunity for a new career in the hospitality or security industries, as part of a new training agreement between the Andrews Labor Government and Crown Melbourne. Announcing the deal today, Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert said Crown..

Spreading The Word: Grants To Bring Victorian Creativity To Market

From webisodes to interactive performances, opera in everyday locations and the launch of a new social media star, five Victorian arts organisations are taking a creative approach to their marketing, with support through Creative Victoria’s Marketing Innovation Fund. Announcing funding totalling $50,000 today, Minister for..

Keeping Our Rail Manufacturing On Track

The Andrews Labor Government has reaffirmed its commitment to the rail manufacturing industry, with the Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) officially opening its doors in Dandenong today. The Rail Manufacturing CRC will address global competition in the rail industry, improve rail rolling stock and..

There’s Nothing Ugly About Victorian Jobs

While Tony Abbott tries to shut down Australia’s wind industry and take the country backwards, Premier Daniel Andrews visited the Ararat wind farm to inspect its $450 million expansion – a project that will boost the local economy and Victoria’s green energy supply. The Premier..

New Ideas For The Future Of Our Education System

Minister for Education James Merlino today visited Templestowe College to tour the school and learn about its cutting-edge approach to education. Mr Merlino spoke to students and staff and heard about the school’s innovations, which include a choice of three school times (7.15 am to..

Applications Open For Tourism Infrastructure Grants

More than $3 million will be spent developing tourism infrastructure to keep Victoria number one. Tourism operators can now apply for Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure grants of up to $750,000 through Tourism Victoria. The Commonwealth Government grants, administered by Tourism Victoria, are available to develop..

New-Look Teacher Award To Celebrate Excellence

A new category for inclusive education has been added to the annual Victorian Education Excellence Awards as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s election promise to make schools fairer and more inclusive. Announcing the new award category, Education Minister James Merlino said the new Inclusive..

Consultation Begins On Local Government Act Review

The Andrews Labor Government has launched consultation for its review of the Local Government Act 1989. Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins today released the discussion paper and consultation website, the first stage in the review process. Ms Hutchins said the review was an opportunity..

New Funding To Help Stem Family Violence

The Andrews Labor Government today announced $4 million in funding as part of its commitment to addressing family violence. Minister for Housing, Ageing and Disability, Martin Foley, announced a $1.4 million boost over four years to Domestic Violence Victoria, the state’s peak body for women..

Funding For The Greek Community To Support New Arrivals

Today the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott, visited the Australian Greek Welfare Society (AGWS) to announce the provision of election commitment funding. The Andrews Labor Government has committed $90,000 per annum over four years to the AGWS, to work in collaboration with the Greek..

Minister Opens CISA National Conference 2015

Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott, celebrated the role of international students in Victoria’s vibrant multicultural community, in his opening address today at the Council of International Students Australia (CISA) National Conference 2015. The three-day CISA conference, themed ‘Celebrating Achievements, Together towards Tomorrow’, discusses sector..

Victoria And California Sign Historic Agreement

Victoria and the State of California today signed a historic agreement that will help make both states safer during disasters through the sharing of expertise, technical knowledge and training in bushfire and flood management. The Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett, and Emergency Management Commissioner,..

Celebrating NAIDOC Week: Learn, Respect And Celebrate

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Natalie Hutchins, has called on Victorians to join in the celebrations for NAIDOC Week (5-12 July) and embrace the theme for 2015: “We all stand on sacred ground. Learn, respect and celebrate.” Ms Hutchins said this year’s NAIDOC Week theme was..

Family Violence Pet Support Boost

The Andrews Labor Government is breaking down the barriers of family violence through a program to provide shelter for the pets of women and children as they escape family violence. Perpetrators of family violence often use threats of violence against the family pet as leverage..

Book Lovers Delight As Library And Community Centre Opens In Carlton

Residents in Carlton and surrounds will benefit from the restoration of a heritage-listed building, home to the new Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre. The City of Melbourne project, partly funded with $288,000 from the Victorian State Government’s Living Libraries and Infrastructure Program, was opened..