Archives for July, 2015

57 Related Items Found

New PrimeSafe Board To Ensure Food Safety Standards

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, today announced the appointment of a new board for Victoria’s meat and seafood safety regulator PrimeSafe, which for the first time consists of 50 per cent female board members. Under the Meat Industry Act 1993, PrimeSafe regulates the meat, poultry,..

New Laws To Further Protect Children From Sexual Abuse

The Andrews Labor Government is providing greater access to justice for child abuse victims by removing time limitations that apply to civil claims for founded upon child abuse, with a new law coming into effect today. This law completely removes the limitation period for all..

Implementing Clearer Processes For Criminal Trials

Criminal trials will be more efficient with the introduction of new jury direction processes this week. Juries perform an important role in the justice system. New reforms will simplify the directions the trial judge gives to the jury in a criminal trial to assist the..