More Funding For Libraries Launched At Mansfield Unveiling
Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins today launched the next round of the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program funding while opening the newly refurbished Mansfield Library.
Mansfield Shire Council received $75,000 under the program, which helped to provide a $105,000 facelift to the Mansfield Library.
The Mansfield Library refurbishment includes new shelving to create more flexible space, outdoor seating as well as new carpets, internal and external painting and upgrades to bathroom facilities.
The Andrews Labor Government allocated $4.3 million to the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program under the 2015-16 Victorian Budget, which is open for applications until 1 October 2015.
The Labor Government recognises the vital role local libraries play in providing a space for the community and promoting lifelong learning and social inclusion.
Under the program, all councils and regional library services are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $750,000 to go towards a new, renovated or refurbished library building or for a mobile library.
The Government made changes to funding ratios so that smaller rural councils have a greater opportunity to take part in the program, ensuring that communities across Victoria benefit.
The funding reinforces the Labor Government’s record $40 million investment in the Public Libraries Funding Program and the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins
“It’s very appropriate that the next round of funding for libraries across Victoria is launched from Mansfield Library. The Library shows just how important these places of learning are to local communities.”
“This refurbishment will ensure that the library can keep up with the needs of local residents now and into the future.”
“Victoria’s libraries are visited by more than 32 million times each year. We’re giving them the funding they need to continue to provide accessible and engaging resources to communities across the state.”