More Support For Aboriginal Children In Care
The Andrews Labor Government is helping more Aboriginal children and young people stay with their communities or return to them.
Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos announced that $687,000 will be provided to 10 Aboriginal organisations to help them connect Aboriginal children and young people in out of home care with what they need to remain connected to their culture and their community.
Targeted Care Packages have helped more than 250 children and young people return home, move to a foster or kinship placement, or begin their transition to independent living. This includes 51 Aboriginal children and young people.
The Government provided $62 million in 2015 towards Targeted Care Packages to meet the needs of children and young people in out of home care, reducing the likelihood that they will need to enter residential care.
A strong sense of identity and belonging is critical to Aboriginal children and young people’s wellbeing. By boosting the capacity of Aboriginal organisations to deliver these packages, Aboriginal children and young people in care will be better supported to achieve their full potential.
The funding is part of a range of measures to reduce the number of children in residential care, particularly young children and Aboriginal children and young people.
Earlier this year, the Government’s $168 million Roadmap for Reform was introduced to shift the children and family services system from crisis response to prevention and early intervention.
It includes major investments in support services for vulnerable families, extra child protection workers, culturally sensitive support for Aboriginal children, and more foster and kinship carers, including Aboriginal carers.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos
“Every child deserves a loving family. A vulnerable child placed in a home environment can be life changing.”
“Aboriginal communities are best placed to understand the cultural needs of Aboriginal children and young people, and our Government is working to make a difference in the lives of these children.”