George Seitz

Taylors-Kings roads, Delahey

Ms HUTCHINS — In addition to this, our investment in the Taylors Road–Kings Road roundabout removal is on track. It is the intersection between the three key seats in the west — Sydenham, Koroit and St Albans — and I know the members of Koroit and St Albans are pleased to..

Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Industrial Relations) (18:11:25) — I move: That this bill be now read a second time. Speech as follows, except for statement under section 85(5) of the Constitution Act 1975, incorporated into Hansard under standing orders: It has often been said in this house that long service leave is..

Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Industrial Relations) tabled following statement in accordance with Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006: In accordance with section 28 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006(Charter), I make this statement of compatibility with respect to the Long Service Benefits Portability..

Liquor and Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (17:50:02) — Yet again we are seeing filibustering from those on the other side, trying to stop us from doing the important work of getting on with changes and amendments in the Liquor and Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. I speak against..

Justice Legislation Amendment (Access to Justice) Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (17:22:17) — I rise to speak against the motion that has been put and to say that the agenda that is before us at the moment in regard to the second-reading speech and proceeding forthwith with the Justice Legislation Amendment (Access to..

Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (12:07:40) — I move: That this bill be now read a second time. In doing so I acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which this Parliament stands. The government pays our respects to their elders — past and present;..

Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) tabled following statement in accordance with Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006: In accordance with section 28 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, (the Charter), I make this Statement of Compatibility with respect to the Advancing the Treaty..

Standing and sessional orders

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (16:07:13) — In terms of the amendments that have been put forward by the opposition, I would say that this government absolutely cannot support those amendments, particularly point 4 of those amendments, which omits the paragraph which talks about the Premier, the..

Standing and sessional orders

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (15:31:10) — I move: That so much of standing and sessional orders be suspended on Wednesday, 28 March 2018, so as to allow: (1)   business to be interrupted immediately after the conclusion of constituency questions and the Victorian treaty advancement commissioner, Jill Gallagher,..

Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Industrial Relations) (14:02:32) — I move: That I have leave to bring in a bill for an act to provide portability of long service benefits in certain industries and to amend other acts and for other purposes. Motion agreed to. Read first time.


Ms Hutchins — On a point of order, Speaker, I find the comments that were made by the member for Lowan very disturbing when she expressed her disappointment in our former member for Northcote not being appropriately acknowledged. I find that offensive, particularly because on today of..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — I think we disagree on this. The information required to be kept under the Fair Work Act is sufficient for the purposes of the long service leave legislation before us. An employer who complies with the Fair Work Act will automatically comply with this..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — Can I clarify that you are talking about clause 16, point (c)? Mr Wakeling — Clause 16(2)(c). Ms HUTCHINS — The current 1992 act requires employment records to be kept, as you said, under section 80, and this has not been limited to a particular period during the employee’s employment and records..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — The clause sets out the averaging arrangements that are to apply if there are no fixed hours of work or hours of work have changed. Quite frankly, in the process of the discussion paper and the consultation across industry, there was an agreement that..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — What is described and what is meant by the terms of conditional employment — I think that is what you were touching on — and the definitions of seasonal employment really have not changed. An employee’s employment is still to be continuous regardless of casual and..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — That is a really good point. The reason that we talked about this in the review in the first place and came to this sort of conclusion is because the nature of industry nowadays is that having the ability to accumulate and take leave..

Long Service Leave Bill 2017

Ms HUTCHINS — We have made this amendment specifically to be able to push the date out so that it can be a practical starting date. To consider hypotheticals about what may or may not happen in the upper house, I am not sure that I have..

Metropolitan Fire Brigade enterprise bargaining agreement

Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Women) (11:12:04) — I thank the member for her supplementary question, but I do need to say that this government has probably done about 20 times more work in the short time we have been in government to take on the issues of sexual harassment..