Aboriginal affairs – Aboriginal Flag
Ms Sandell to ask the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs — Will the Minister consult with the Victorian Aboriginal community on whether to fly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags on Victorian Parliament House, and with their support advocate to the Speaker, President and House Committee for the flags to fly permanently on Victorian Parliament House.
I’d like to note the Member for Melbourne’s interest in having the Aboriginal flag permanently flying at Parliament, a practice that is currently in place across a wide range of government buildings.
I have found in my consultations with numerous Aboriginal Victorian people and organisations that there is strong support for this idea. It was a point I raised in my letter to the Presiding Officers requesting that the flag be flown, and sent on 30 July 2015.
As I’m sure the Member is aware, we are a government committed to listening to Aboriginal voices-and not merely paying lip service. We’ve made a commitment to ensuring Aboriginal people are at the centre of decision making and we intend to honour it.