Liquor and Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs) (17:50:02) — Yet again we are seeing filibustering from those on the other side, trying to stop us from doing the important work of getting on with changes and amendments in the Liquor and Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. I speak against the amendment that has been put forward and instead I stand here in favour of laws that are here to enhance the protection of minors from alcohol-related harm.
Let me just emphasise: these amendments have been supported by industry, they have been called for by community, and we are getting on with the job of delivering the change that is needed to make our kids safe out in the community. Unfortunately those opposite do not care about children, do they? They do not care that this bill — if we could get onto the real work that this Parliament needs to do — reduces red tape for licensees, and talks about strengthening harm minimisation measures, including the introduction of offences related to the display of alcohol advertising near schools, putting in boundaries of 150 metres so that that advertising cannot be near schools. I could not think of more important work that this Parliament needs to get on with.