Road infrastructure
Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Local Government) — I rise to commend the excellent work of the Victorian Labor government in undertaking to build the infrastructure that Victorians need after four long years of neglect and incompetence by the Baillieu-Napthine government. Labor’s investments in the CityLink-Tullamarine Freeway widening, M80 improvements and Melbourne Metro Tunnel will reduce travel times for residents in my electorate and help people spend more time doing what they enjoy instead of sitting in traffic.
The CityLink-Tulla widening project will increase capacity, reduce travel times and improve safety on CityLink and the Tullamarine Freeway. The Victorian government is also fixing bottlenecks, widening the M80 to four lanes in each direction from Sunshine Avenue to the E. J. Whitten Bridge and from three to five lanes in each direction across the E. J. Whitten bridge through to the Calder Freeway. The Victorian government is also helping fund upgrades from Princes Freeway to the Western Highway, Sydney Road to Edgars Road, and Plenty Road to Greensborough Road. These will make a significant difference to people in the north-west of Melbourne.
I thank the Minister for Roads and Road Safety for his commitment in the recent budget to put planning money forward to investigate the building of the Calder Park interchange overpass, the duplication of Calder Park Drive and a potential grade separation at the level crossing on Calder Park Drive.